- Nutter revokes the casino license granted by the leaving Street Administration. Odds of casino actually being built? 2 to 1.
- Nutter vows to enforce city laws on gun ownership defying state law. Charlton Heston vows to part the Delaware to show how awesome guns really are.
- Art Museum selected to represented US at Venice Biennale. Artist only happy that he is getting a free trip to Venice, thats the one that is sinking right?
- Vineland Music Festival put on hold after announcement of Coachella of the East. Stocks of Birkenstock and patchouli plummet.
- Hershey decides to pull their "pacs" after outcry that it looked too much like drugs. In related news, I'm still not sure which markers to sniff, so I sniff all of them.
- "Philly fans have that way about them". I always say its not a real house party until there is the E-A-G-L-E-S chant.
- A. Serril Headley, former owner of the Khyber passed away. Plans on haunting the bar and going upstairs cause the cover is always free.
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