so june 7th is roots picnic in philly - The roots/santogold/deerhoof/diplo/coolkids . . . . .
the sunday after is the mad decent block party - 12AM to 8 PM
ive been sittin on announcing it but fuck it... streets division tried to hate but jawntronix wooed them like i neva seen.. dude is a charmer!!! big ups to the 9th floor!
so far we got water guns, t shirts and hot dogs for giveaway!! elmo and dora the explorer are comin.. the mad decent squiggly guy dancers will be there! wu tang contest plus the beatnik jive turkey olypicS!!!
performances by DJ SEGA, BLAQSTARR, FLOSSTRADAMUS, RYE RYE, FEDERATION (KENNY MEEZ), DIRTY SOUTH JOE, DJ TINY DICK NICK, SNITCH, dj octamis prime, DJA, holograms by SySTEm d128, WIreLeSS INtAnEt! DJ DoRM SLUT (R500), DAviD gUeTa, GrAtFUldEAd! cAtSTeFAnS, InDiANa JonEZ, (also circulating that soultravelers and white belts and tees might show up!) SHIIIIT MAD OTHER SURPRISES gUeStES ToO!!!
U cAN fiNd uS oN ThE BaKEtBaLL coOUrT BeHINd ThE SpOt KiLlInG iT aLl dAy sUnDaY. wE GOt BiG aZZ sPeAkErZ!!
JUSt aNNOUNcED sNiTcH dA TUrTlE & PlaStIc LiTtlE!!!!
Umm so yeah, Drop the Lime Friday, Roots Picnic Saturday, Mad Decent Block Party Sunday, End Of world Monday or hang out til tuesday for Snacks and Alan Braxe and Lifelike. So, Philly, you ready for Summer time yet?
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